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Working Group on Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering


(Lastest News) The Accountability State Authority chairs the WGFACML 17th meeting (Lastest News) The ASA of Egypt Hosting the 14th INTOSAI KSC SC Meeting (Lastest News) The 15th INTOSAI WGFACML Meeting Hosted Virtually by the Accountability State Authority of Egypt on May 11th , 2022 (Lastest News) Side event of special session of the United Nations General Assembly against corruption (Lastest News) The second organizational meeting of INTOSAI Global Expert Team (IGET) (Lastest News) The 14th Meeting of INTOSAI Working Group on Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering hosted virtually by the Accountability State Authority of Egypt on November 24th , 2020 (Lastest News) The 14th Meeting of INTOSAI Working Group on Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering (Lastest News) The Participation of the INTOSAI WGFACML Secretariat in the 12th Steering Committee Meeting of the INTOSAI Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services Committee (KSC-SC) held virtually on 21 September 2020 (Lastest News) Relabeling and Renaming of two INTOSAI WGFACML Publications (Lastest News) Virtual Meeting between INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee Chair and Vice Chair, Technical Support Function Team and WGFACML Secretariat
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Text Box: 10/10/2022
Text Box: The ASA of Egypt Hosting the 14th INTOSAI KSC SC Meeting 
H.E. Counsellor/Hesham Badawy; President of the Accountability State Authority of Egypt and Chair of the Working Group on Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering, physically hosted the 14th INTOSAI KSC SC Meeting in Cairo – Egypt with the attendance of H.E. Counsellor/ Mohamed El-Faisal Youssef; the ASA Vice President, during the period from the 12th to the 14th of September 2022. 

The Meeting was headed by H.E. Mr. Girish Chandra Murmu; the Comptroller and Auditor General of the Office of the Comptroller  and Auditor General of India, Chair of the INTOSAI KSC and the INTOSAI WGITA, with the attendance of (48) participants from (15) KSC SC members, observers and partners which were: the SAIs of India, Brazil, Egypt, Finland, Philippines, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Uganda, UAE, Qatar, Senegal, Thailand, Cameroon, Austria and Malaysia in addition to the SAIs of Kenya and Niger. 

The 14th KSC SC Meeting’s Agenda included the live as well as the video presentations from the KSC SC representatives of the member working groups and the INTOSAI Goal Committees in addition to the presentations of the KSC Chair; SAI India.
The successful and fruitful proceedings of the Meeting witnessed the exchange of various informative experiences as well as sharing the recent and ongoing activities in addition to the progress reports of the participating entities. It was approved during the Meeting that SAI UAE will be the host country of the 15th INTOSAI KSC SC Meeting while SAI Thailand will be the same of the 16th INTOSAI KSC SC Meeting.
Text Box: 11/5/2022
Text Box: The 15th INTOSAI WGFACML Meeting Hosted Virtually by the Accountability State Authority of Egypt 
on May 11th , 2022
Under the auspices of H.E. Counsellor/ Hesham Badawy; President of the Accountability State Authority of Egypt and the WGFACML Chair, the ASA hosted virtually the 15th Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering on May 11th, 2022. The Meeting was presided over by H.E. Counsellor/ Mohamed Al-Faisal Yousef; the ASA Vice President, with the participation of (22) Working Group member SAIs.H.E. Counsellor/ Mohamed Al-Faisal Yousef welcomed, in his opening speech, the delegations who participated in the Meeting that was held amidst various challenges imposed by Covid-19 pandemic on all fields of the audit work that necessitate working during exceptional circumstances. 
His Excellency pointed out that the WG has come a long way towards achieving its main objectives, and reviewed some of the steps that have been taken in this regard. In addition, H.E. congratulated the SAIs of France and Ukraine for joining the membership of the Working Group, and he ended his speech by encouraging the effective and perpetual contributions of the WG member SAIs to the WG work building on the steps the WG has already taken towards achieving its aspired goals.

Following that, the Working Group Secretariat presented a Progress Report on its achievements since the last WG Meeting in November 2020, then the WG member SAIs of Austria, Mexico, the United States of America, the Russian Federation, Indonesia and France made their presentations covering various topics in the field of fighting corruption and money laundering.
Upon the Meeting’s closure, H.E. Counsellor/ Mohamed Al-Faisal Yousef expressed his aspiration that the WG member SAIs would reinforce the bonds of 
co-operation and collaboration among them aiming to achieve more valuable accomplishments. Finally, H.E. congratulated SAI Thailand for being the host for the 16th INTOSAI WGFACML Meeting in 2023 and thanked the participants for their beneficial presentations and exerted efforts. 
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Text Box: The Accountability State Authority chairs the WGFACML 17th meeting

Under the chairmanship of H.E. Counsellor/ Mohamed El-Faisal Youssef, President of the Accountability State Authority of Egypt (ASA) and Chair of the INTOSAI Working Group on Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering, the WG conducted for its 17th Annual Meeting in Abu Dhabi-United Arab Emirates, from the 3rd to the 5th of September, 2024. The event brought together the representing officials and experts of the WG member SAIs working in the field of combating corruption and money laundering from around the globe.

H.E. Counsellor/ Mohammed El-Faisal Youssef inaugurated the Meeting with a speech emphasizing the crucial role of international cooperation in the field of combating corruption and money laundering. H.E. highlighted the vital role carried out by the civil society and non-governmental organizations in enhancing transparency and accountability.
The President of the Accountability State Authority also underscored the importance of leveraging social networks and awareness campaigns to foster a robust anti-corruption front as well as enhance societies’ capacities to address this phenomenon.
The Meeting focused on achieving an integrated vision to combat corruption through community efforts, with a particular emphasis on the role of civil society and social networks in spreading awareness and combating corruption. This issue aligned with the ASA’s proposal for the Annual Meeting’s theme, which received a wide response from the various participating SAIs.

Discussions also explored ways to develop modern tools and methods as well as to enhance cooperation between governmental and non-governmental bodies to achieve this goal.
Furthermore, the Meeting witnessed a presentation on the WGFACML’s achievements, including the development of Guidelines, the organization of training courses and the exchange of knowledge and experiences among SAIs. Additionally, the progress exerted in the WG’s Work Plan 2023-2025 was reviewed and the global best practices in combating corruption were discussed.
The Meeting was concluded with a series of important recommendations, most prominently; enhancing international cooperation in fighting against corruption and money laundering; developing programs and applications that empower citizens to report on corruption cases as well as expanding the scope of cooperation with civil society and social networks in order to raise public awareness on the impacts of corruption and means for addressing it.
Text Box: 6/9/2024

Latest Uploads

· 17th Meeting Documents

·  Best Practices

· 16th Meeting Documents

· Guideline on Stolen Asset Recovery

· Guideline for the Audit of Corruption   Prevention in Public Procurement

· 15th Meeting Documents

· Guideline of Standards for the Social Control of Public Funds

· OLACEFS - GTCT - Handbook of Good Practices to Fight Corruption

· WG Activities 2019 (watch the video).

· Memorandum of Understanding Between United Nations (UN) And International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)

· A/RES/71/208

· A/RES/72/207

· International Anti Corruption Day (watch the video).


WGFACML Newsletter 4th Edition - June 2024

WGFACML Newsletter 3rd  Issue June 2023

WGFACML Newsletter 2nd  Issue December 2021

WGFACML Newsletter 1st  Issue December 2019


Best Practices

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