Last Meeting
2024 United Arab Emirates
17th Meeting Documents
Minutes of the 17th Meeting
14- Society participation in preventing and combating corruption SAI-UAEAA
List of Participants in WGFACML Agenda
15- Contribution of The Accounting Chamber to the Fight Against Corruption in Ukraine-SAI Ukraine
01- Progress Report
16- Memorandum of Understanding On Cooperation In Execution Of Statutory Mandate-SAI Tanzania
02- Guideline on Audit of Anti-Corruption Risk Management Systems-SAI Austria
17- Involving civil society in the work of the french financial jurisdictions. SAI France
03- Guideline on Corruption Detection Including Investigation Audit Techniques, Tools, Resources and Evidence Gathering-SAI Philippines
18- Towards an Integrated Vision Non- Governmental Community Efforts in Fighting corruption -SAI India
04- Guideline on “Auditing National System of Prevention and Fight against Corruption”. SAI France
19- The Role of Private Companies in Fighting Against Corruption in China-SAI China
05- Guideline on the extent to which INTOSAI’s member SAIs comply with the implementation of their international commitments to the UNCAC and the resolutions of conferences of states parties to the convent
20- SAO role in fighting fraud-SAI Czech Republic
06- MEXICO, Guideline on The Audit of Whistleblowers systems
21- Roles and Collaboration of Government and Non-Government Organizations in Combating Corruption-SAI Malaysia
07- SAs Anti Corruption Efforts and the Asset Recovery Guideline-SAI Tanzania
22- Cost-Transparency in Government Advertising-SAI Austria
08- Community Efforts for Fighting Against Corruption and Money Laundry in Sultanate of Oman-SAI Oman
23- Exploring Forensic and special Audits Within SAIs-SAI Tanzania
09- Comptroller General of Accounts of the Republic of Guatemala-SAI Guatemala
24- Engaging Citizens and Fostering Trust Effective Approaches to Public Corruption Reporting-SAI Thailand
10-The efforts and best practices of the oversight bodies of Egypt and the Accountability State Authority in particular in the field of self-reporting and citizen-reporting-SAI Egypt
25- Pioneer approaches of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation to fostering culture of integrity
11- Meeting theme video
26- Speech on SAI India’s Experience Related to Public-Private Partnership -SAI India
12- Towards an integrated vision of non-governmental community efforts in Combating corruption-SAI Egypt
27- Recommendations
13- Promoting Transparency and Accountability The Austrian Court of Audit and the Public- SAI Austria
Other Meeting
2023 Thailand
2022 Egypt
16th Meeting Documents
15th Meeting Documents
List of participants in the WGFACML 16th meeting
12- Austria, BestPractices
Meeting Agenda
The INTOSAI WGFACML Meeting's Agenda
13- Philippines,Best Practices
List of Participants
01-The INTOSAI WGFACML Sectt. Progress Report
14- France, Best Practices
Minutes of the 15th Meeting
02- MEXICO,Guideline on The Audit of Whistleblowers systems
15- UAE ,Best Practices
01- The INTOSAI WGFACML Sectt.s Progress Report
03- Guideline on Fighting Against Money Laundering,Guideline on “Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
16- Egypt AI
02- Austria Guideline for the Audit of Corruption Prevention in PP
04- Egypt,Guideline on The extent to which INTOSAI's member SAIs comply with the implementation of
17- Thailad AI
03- Mexico Guideline for Whistleblowers
05- France ,Guideline on Auditing national system of prevention and fight against corruption
18- China AI
04- USA-Guideline-for-Asset-Recovery-1
06- Egypt, Working Paper on Money laundering operations and how to
19- Tanzania AI
05- Role of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation in Anticorruption
07- Egypt, Working Paper on The legislative, regulatory and administrative framework
20- Brazil (AI) ,Evaluation of Fraud and Corruption Risks in Public Procurement
06- SAI Indonesia Preventing and Combating Corruption
8- Egypt,Best Practices
21- Philippines AI
07-Fight Against Corruption: The Role Of French Financial Jurisdictions
9- Brazil,Best Practices
22- Fiji AI
10- Austria, BestPractices
23- The INTOSAI WGFACML Work Plan (2023-2025)
11- Brazil,Best Practices
24- Meeting recommendations
2020 Egypt
2019 China
2018 Mexico
14th Meeting Documents
13th Meeting Documents
12th Meeting Documents
Minutes of the 14th Meeting
Minutes of the 13th Meeting
Minutes of the 12th Meeting
List of Participants
01- Concept of Fraud - Zambia
12th WGFACML Meeting Report
01- WGFACML Secretariat Activities (2019-2020)
02- Efforts With IDI Egypt
01- Mexico National Anti-corruption System_1 Oct18
02- ECUADOR Guideline on Standards for the Social Control of Public Funds
03- Forensic Audits Mexico
02- Promoting Controls on Public Funds
03- USA Guideline on Stolen Assets Recovery
04- Lesson Learned About SAI Fighting Corruption Thailand
03- USA Asset Recovery
04- AUSTRIA Guideline on Audit of Corruption Prevention in Public Procurement
05- Prezentacja PPPi Koncesja ver.2 - Poland
04- Austria Guideline Corruption Prevention in Public Procurement
05- BRAZIL Presentation on National Program to Prevent Corruption
06- SAI Experience Zambia
05- Brazil Forensic Accounting
06- WGFACML Work Plan (2020 - 2022)
07- Social Control Guide Ecuador
06- Austria Role ACA Experience on FACML
08- Subgroup 2 Austria ACA
07- Brazil ISAI Experiences
09- The Role of Government Audit In Fighting Corruption - China
08- China Role of Government Audit in Combating Corruption-A Chinese Experience
10- The Role of Government Audit in Fighting Corruption - Oman
09- Egypt Roles & Responsibilities-Social Acc
11- The Role of SAI Thailand And Fighting Corruption - Thailand
10- Egypt Fighting Against Money Laundering
WGFACML Final Agenda v 2oct18
2017 Tanzania
2016 Germany
2015 Malaysia
2014 USA
Minutes of the 11th Meeting
Minutes of the 10th Meeting
Minutes of the 9th Meeting
Minutes of the 8th Meeting
2013 Namibia
2012 Poland
2011 Czech Republic
2010 Ecuador
Minutes of the 7th Meeting
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
Draft working plan
Minutes of the 6th Meeting (English)
Member List
Meeting Agenda
Minutes of the 6th Meeting (Spanish)
Minutes of meeting (English)
Documents of the Meeting
Documents of the Meeting
Minutes of meeting (Spanish)
1- First guideline-Enhancing good governance for public assets.
1- First guideline - Poland.
(English) - (Arabic)
2- Second guideline - Germany.
2- Second guideline - The audit of corruption prevention in government agencies.
3- Third guideline - Russia.
(English) - (Arabic)
4- F&C - guidance - 3. draft. Appendices.
Questionnaire Report
3- Third guideline - Challenges for supreme audit institutions.
5- F&C - guideline 3 draft.
Questionnaire Presentation
(English) - (Arabic)
6- Fourth objective - Russia questionnaire.
Report on Second Objective
7- UN - INTOSAI joint project.
8- Country paper of SAI IRAN.
Power point
1- 6th meeting of WGFACML 03.10.2012 - F&C - guidance.
2- Guideline 2 - current status.
3- Second draft - Poland 18.09.
2009 Indonesia
2008 Peru
2008 Egypt
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
Participant List
Participant List
Participant List