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Working Group on Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering


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About Us

WG Members

WG Publication

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· Standards & Guidelines

· Latest Uploads

· Mission

· Other INTOSAI WG’s

· Other Publication


· WG Plan / Strategic


· Publication Under Release

· INTOSAI Calendar

· Background



· INTOSAI Community Portal

· Task Force



· IDI website link

· WG members



Meeting / Activates


News / Events

Anti-Corruption Info.

· Last Meeting

· Pictures of Meetings

· Historical News

· International Norms

· Other Meetings



· Documents of Interest




· Anti-Corruption Info.




· Laws of Countries




· FATF Recommendations

Contact Us

Related Links


Site Map

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· Working Group on Public Debt


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· Working Group on IT Audit


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· Working Group on Environmental Auditing


· E-mail


· Working Group on Audit of Extractive Industries



· Working Group on Financial Modernization and Regulatory Reform



· Working Group on Evaluation of Public Polices and Programs



· Working Group on Value and Benefits of SAIs