Text Box: Text Box: Enhance SAIs’ capability to face challenges in the fight against corruption and money laundering to promote good governance for the benefit of public prosperity.
Text Box: The WGFACML supports SAIs’ efforts  in the fight against corruption and money laundering, broadening available concepts, best practices and applications through cooperation, collaboration, and continuous improvement by developing guidelines, facilitating training programs, establishing database of audit best practices and working with other INTOSAI working groups and external organizations to prevent, detect, and  fight against corruption and money laundering.
Text Box: Text Box: Vision
Text Box: Mission
Text Box: WG Plan / Strategic
Text Box: Working Group Plan 2011- 2013  
Text Box: Working Group Plan 2008- 2011  
Text Box: Working Group Plan Proposal  
Text Box: Working Group Plan 2014- 2016  
Text Box: Working Group Schedule
Text Box: Developments 2008
Text Box: Annex 2008

About Us

Working Group on Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering


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Text Box: Working Group Plan 2020- 2022